
In Holes komen de individuele onderzoeksprojecten van Carst van der Molen en Emily Kocken samen: Urban City Holes en Voyeurette 1963. In de vorm was dit een onderzoek hoe fotografie en video zich tot elkaar zou verhouden wanneer ze achter elkaar in tijd zou worden vertoond, op dezelfde muur, en in hetzelfde formaat. Begin januari 2006 vond de projectpresentatie plaats in de Amsterdamse raamgalerie Kortsluiting.

Voyeurette 1963

voyeurette 1963

Fragment from her diary: ‘The old man is not at home, his couch is empty. A blanket lies on the exact spot where he’s always sitting, on the couch, in front of the TV, arms folded, looking sad and grumpy. I peep through his window, wondering why he leaves his curtains open. I can’t take his photograph without being seen, losing who he is when I watch him secretly. Going inside his house will be the only way to come close to a natural portrait, a comforting and disturbing image at the same time. Whether it’s early morning, late afternoon, or even way after the middle of the night, when I come home from the cinema; he is there, the old man, arms folded, sitting on his couch, watching TV. Curtains open.’

Urban City Holes 1

urban city holes 1

Close to the edge of Amsterdam, a big hole is found: former location of the demolished Andreas Hospital. The spot resembles a large crater, enclosed by two highways, a park and a small lake. Around the hole the traffic runs from day to night. Canals running around it are being redirected, to make way for a grand housing complex. Extra roads will be build to disclose the area. A previously unpopular location is being upgraded. The future inhabitants can look forward to a view over the park, an inner garden, and a fast route to all parts of the city.
City Hole 1 is a eulogy for an urban hole in transition. The artist shows its current beauty in four layered video compositions.